Mole Repellent

@lantis Fish-based liquid Mole Repellent – Eco-friendly, Garden, Animal Friendly

Mole Repellent

Mole Repellent 


Eco-friendly fish-based liquid repellent.

Garden friendly

Animal and Bird friendly

Available in 5L

No process chemicals used

Getting rid of garden moles is no mean feat and the web is full of answers to the age-old question of “how to get rid of a mole in my garden” – from old wives tales to tips passed down through generations to well researched solutions.  Sadly, the majority of these don’t work.

 If you’re looking for the one thing that does work – look no further! Our easy-to-use, fish-based liquid mole repellent does the job and does it well! 

@lantis Mole Repellant is eco-friendly, chemical free, garden, animal and bird friendly… one thing it is NOT, is mole-friendly.

Why is choosing an eco-friendly, chemical-free  repellent like ours important?

First and foremost, it promotes a healthier and more sustainable environment. Chemical-based repellents often contain harmful substances that can leach into the soil and water, posing risks to wildlife and beneficial insects, as well as potentially contaminating your homegrown produce. By opting for an eco-friendly alternative, you minimize the ecological footprint of your gardening practices, preserving the delicate balance of your local ecosystem.

Furthermore they are safer for pets and children who may play in the garden, reducing the risk of accidental exposure to toxic substances.

Additionally, embracing eco-friendly solutions aligns with the broader goal of sustainable living and responsible stewardship of the planet.

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