Seaweed Hydrolysates Products

@lantis Seaweed Hydrolysates – Export Quality

Our Seaweed Hydrolysate Products are unique seaweed hydrolysate organic fertiliser products that harness the power of marine seaweed properties thereby providing optimal benefits for plants. We derive the base product from hydrolysing plant materials.  The result is a liquid product that is rich in plant growth hormones and micronutrients. The traditional Cold Hydrolysis Process is carefully controlled to retain the integrity and quality of the bioactive compounds. This ensures the preservation of growth hormones and valuable nutrients.

seaweed hydrolysate organic fertiliser products
seaweed hydrolysate organic fertiliser products

@lantis seaweed hydrolysate fertilizer contains plant growth stimulants and other natural substances. These substances activate various beneficial microorganisms, increasing the soil’s organic matter, improving overall nutrient uptake efficiency, and stimulating crop growth.

A natural hydrolyzing process extracts growth-aiding compounds from sustainably harvested seaweed, utilizing brown kelp (Ecklonia Maxima) and red seaweed (Porphyra Capensis) as primary sources.

These stimulants, including auxins, cytokinins, gibberellins, and other growth enhancers, enhance seeding stamina, foliar uptake capability, and biochemical cell processes. This optimization results in improved plant and pollen tube development, enhanced fruit quality, increased robustness, and resistance to abiotic stresses and successive cropping obstacles.

@Lantis Sea-Agri seaweed hydrolysates are produced in our export-approved facility in Atlantis, Cape Town, South Africa, showcasing their effectiveness.


seaweed hydrolysate organic fertiliser
BioSEA+<br />
Propyra Seaweed Hydrolysate

Product Registration Number: M400
100% organic seaweed (Porphyra) hydrolysate fertiliser with natural growth-enhancing stimulants for improved crop growth and resistance to abiotic stresses.


seaweed hydrolysate organic fertiliser
SeaPRO+<br />
Kelp Seaweed Hydrolysate

Product Registration Number: M398
100% organic seaweed (kelp) hydrolysate fertiliser with natural growth-enhancing stimulants for improved crop growth and resistance to abiotic stresses.

  • Our Seaweed Hydrolysates supplied in Bulk, 1 ton flow bins, 20 liter plastic cans or 5 liter plastic cans

Contact us today for export quality Seaweed hydrolysates